Current Sale: For a limited time only, receive free UPS ground shipping on all car covers and accessories shipped within the continental United States. Discounts also available on FedEx overnight and FedEx 2-day when combined with car cover P1 rush manufacture. Receive $12 off rush shipping prices, per item shipped. Shipping to Hawaii and Alaska is calculated on an individual basis. If you have a unique shipping situation, please call for assistance: 1-800-982-6966.
Many car covers are in stock, but many covers must be custom-made according to Covercraft lead times. Covers shipped via UPS ground from our plant in Oklahoma typically take 4 to 6 working days for delivery across the continental United States. The shipping and handling charge is normally a standard $12.00 per cover. However, with the current sale shipping is free! No additional shipping is charged for car cover accessories when they are ordered with a car cover.